Psychology of Bias

Bias and the Brain- Why we live in distorted realities

No one lives in reality, our brain creates distortions without our knowledge and without our consent

Confirmation Bias and the Brain with Detective Pikachu

Confirmation bias is one of the strongest forces for shaping the way we think and creates some pretty huge distortions between what our brain thinks is reality and actual reality 

Bias Blind Spot- Why we think we are unbiased

Our brain hides our biases from ourself. No reason to cook the books to make you feel good about yourself and then reveal you are cooking the books.

Bias through Associations and Stereotypes

When two things are shown over and over together the brain creates a connection, if this has to do with groups of people it can become a stereotype 

Ingroup and Outgroup Bias

We have a tendency to see people in our group as better than they are and people in groups we dislike as worse than they are. This causes all kinds of societal problems. 

Bias In Relationships

Everyone knows there are two sides to every story. What is it that creates that and why can no one actually see reality as it is.

Open Your Eyes- Bias in Encanto

How Bias affects the Madrigal family in Encanto and how it keeps them from solving the problem of their miracle until they overcome it.

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