Episode 3- Toxic Parenting Ideas, Nature and Nurture

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Episode 3- Toxic Parenting Ideas and Nature vs. Nurture

There are some ideas that we carry as parents that can hurt our parenting. Understanding what makes kids the way they are can help us overcome these ideas.

My wife and I discuss these ideas for this awesome podcast.

Extra Resources

Nature and Nurture Podcast 1

Slideshow from the episode

Nature and Nurture and Toxic Parenting Ideas

Toxic Parenting Principles, Nature and Nurture Workbook

Megamind and how genetics influences us

Genes play a rather large part in who we are. People who think they can just mold people in teaching and parenting to who they want them to be are going to be disappointed

Lilo and Stitch- how the environment influences us

Nurture or the environment also plays a large role in how we develop