Teaching Skills

Base of Power in working with Children

I use this video in my relationships class as well but in this class we focus on a positive or negative base of power when working with kids or in other words the light side and the dark side

Using Fear to Control

Fear is a common tactic to create power within relationships. Learn about how it works and the side affects that happen because of it.

Power in Relationships- The Light Side

Many people have great power within relationships through the use of positive means. Find out what those things are that create this power.

Controlling Others Through Conditional Love

Holding your love out as a carrot for others to please you is another common way to have power in a relationship. Find out the side effects of this type of power.

Using Manipulation to Control Children

Manipulating children can get you what you want but it also pushes them away from you. Learn about some of the different manipulation tactics and how to recognize them.

Emotional Intellgence and Inside Out

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important predictors of success in life. Teaching yourself and children this skills is one of the most important things in my Child Development Class

Healthy Boundaries Part 1- The Battle Within

Being able to create healthy boundaries means fighting a few inner battles first

Enforcing Boundaries Part 2- The Battle Without

There are different levels of enforcing boundaries this talks about five different ways

Perfectionism- the path to the dark side

Perfectionism is one of the most common problems my students deal with. Find out why perfectionism takes away your happiness and your performance.

Perfectly Imperfect

You can improve your happiness and performance by overcoming perfectionism. Learn how to use your perfectionism to overcome your perfectionism. (that's a lot of perfectionism in one sentence)

Kung Fu Panda- Inner Peace and Relationships

Kung Fu Panda teaches many lessons on how getting inner peace helps us to not be controlling in our relationships

True Discipline=Teaching

Most of us think of Discipline as punishments and rewards. That is a very limited way of thinking about it. This explains how Discipline is really more about good teaching rather than punishments.

True Discipline part 2- how to teach children

This is part 2 of why discipline is more about teaching then rewards and punishments. It includes some basic methods to become more successful at teaching children

Criticism versus Teaching with Unstable

Parents want their kids to grow to their full potential but we often don't understand the difference between harmful criticism and helpful teaching. This video explores that with the netflix show unstable.

Bias through Associations and Stereotypes

When two things are shown over and over together the brain creates a connection, if this has to do with groups of people it can become a stereotype