Abuse and Control in Relationships Videos

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The Abuse Cycle

Many people stay in Abusive Relationships because of the trap of the abuse cycle which I describe here

What does gaslight mean anyway?

The term gaslight has become one of the more overused and misused terms in psychology. This is what it really means and where the term comes from.

Using Fear to Control

Fear is a common tactic to create power within relationships. Learn about how it works and the side affects that happen because of it.

Controlling Others Through Conditional Love

Holding your love out as a carrot for others to please you is another common way to have power in a relationship. Find out the side effects of this type of power.

Power in Relationships- Manipulation

Manipulating others can get you what you want but it also pushes others away from you. Learn about some of the different manipulation tactics and how to recognize them.

Perfectionism and Control in Encanto

One of the root problems of the Madrigal family is a compulsion or need to be perfect driven by their fear of losing the miracle. Learn how this what actually is causing the miracle to falter. 

Family Roles and Scapegoats in Encanto

Every family member plays a role, this explains different stereotypical roles in families and how the Madrigal family fills each of them

Puss In Boots- Narcissism Vs. Self Confidence

Narcissism is not an abundance of self confidence but is rooted in a deep fear that they might not be good enough