Psychology Class

Bias and the Brain- Why we live in distorted realities

No one lives in reality, our brain creates distortions without our knowledge and without our consent

Confirmation Bias and the Brain with Detective Pikachu

Confirmation bias is one of the strongest forces for shaping the way we think and creates some pretty huge distortions between what our brain thinks is reality and actual reality 

Bias Blind Spot- Why we think we are unbiased

Our brain hides our biases from ourself. No reason to cook the books to make you feel good about yourself and then reveal you are cooking the books.

Bias through Associations and Stereotypes

When two things are shown over and over together the brain creates a connection, if this has to do with groups of people it can become a stereotype 

Ingroup and Outgroup Bias

We have a tendency to see people in our group as better than they are and people in groups we dislike as worse than they are. This causes all kinds of societal problems. 

Bias In Relationships

Everyone knows there are two sides to every story. What is it that creates that and why can no one actually see reality as it is.

Megamind and how genetics influences us

Genes play a rather large part in who we are. People who think they can just mold people in teaching and parenting to who they want them to be are going to be disappointed

Lilo and Stitch- how the environment influences us

Nurture or the environment also plays a large role in how we develop

Emotional Intellgence and Inside Out

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important predictors of success in life. Teaching yourself and children this skills is one of the most important things in my Child Development Class

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development and Guardians of the Galaxy

Kohlberg's Theory with Clips from Guardians of the Galaxy to illustrate

The Teen Brain and Status Anxiety

The way teens see the world is due to a changing brain. A hallmark of the teen years is to start caring more about what your peers think. I talk about what is going on and some helpful tips to help people who work with teens.

The Teen Brain and Emotions

Due to the later development of the prefrontal cortex in the brain emotions often take the reins of the teen brain. 

Teen Brain- Imaginary Audience

Because of changes in the teen brain teens are often performing for each other. Sometimes they are performing when there is no one to watch either

Money and Happiness- The Hedonic Treadmill

Does money buy happiness? The answer is yes... and no. This video explores how finding out the top of the curve will help us to have more life satisfaction

Status Anxiety

Status Anxiety is the fear of what other people think of us. Everyone has it, but what can be done about it?

The Abuse Cycle

Many people stay in Abusive Relationships because of the trap of the abuse cycle which I describe here

What does gaslight mean anyway?

The term gaslight has become one of the more overused and misused terms in psychology. This is what it really means and where the term comes from.

Criticism versus Teaching with Unstable

Parents want their kids to grow to their full potential but we often don't understand the difference between harmful criticism and helpful teaching. This video explores that with the netflix show unstable.

What is Autistic Masking and What are the Costs?

Our understanding of Autism has grown a lot in the last few years. There are a lot more people who fall under the umbrella of autism but who have been missed because they have learned how to camouflage or "mask" some of its traits. 

In this video I share some of my own personal experiences in masking my own autism (even from myself)

Autistic Communication is not Awkward- it's a Culture

Autistics and neurotypicals often don't understand one another but that's not because autistic style is awkward, it's just a different culture