Unit 1- Intro and Basic Money Skills

Projected Living Expenses

Projected Living Expenses Assignment

Students fill out what it will cost them to move out and live them on their own per month

Money and Time

Money is more than just a piece of paper. When we are spending money we are spending part of our life, because we have to trade part of our life for money

Moneyball and Personal Finances- Finding Value

This video we talk about how to figure out what is worth spending money on using the movie moneyball.

Money and Time

Money and Time Notes

The purpose of these is to teach kids to understand that when you are spending money you are spending time- see video above

Time and Money

Time and Money Assignment

how to figure out how much time goes into your money

On Your Own Instructions

CW publications On Your Own Game Assignment

I have a schoolwide subscription to www.cwpubonline.com I have them complete the on your own game. On the right is a document that I give to them to help them get through the first week.

Desire and Enjoyment

In order to get value out of our money spending we need to start questioning our desires. Our desires will often influence us to buy things that will have very little value for us because we don't actually enjoy them

I have 90 minute class periods so I break up the class periods by spending several days doing the notes below to start the class and then the second half having the students finishing the on your own game

Inside your Brain's Desire system

Inside your brain's desire system notes

Just because you want something doesn't mean you enjoy it

Spending Awareness

Spending Awareness Notes

Spending Tracker

Spending Tracker Assignment

Home work assignment to keep track of spending for a month then evaluate at the end of the month on the second page

Efficiency in Spending- More Happiness and Less Spending

Efficiency in spending helps us to get more happiness with less spending. This mentions three ways in which we spend that don't translate into more happiness


Efficiency and Spending